Due to enormous differences in traits, personalities and style, both
of you and the applicant it is impossible to formulate a "cookbook" to
be followed in your observation process. However the following information
should prove useful to you. |
Keep in mind also, that from the very start players were chosen
for entry into DTM based on their attitude, honor, integrity, team spirit
and desire to work as a team. To work for the betterment of game
play for all players, on both sides of the trench,
this is the attitude we seek in others. |
As you read the members application, you are already formulating an
opinion about this player. Some people apply and write their applications
based on who they are, what they currently do to further the cause of the
game and state their desire to join with like minded individuals.
Other people apply, and simply state "I wanna join, team play is cool".
The point is, not every player here is a writer, not every player has
large grasp of the english language nor can we assume based on the statement
above exactly what type of player each applicant is. We will always
need to keep open minds after reading the application and until we have
seen the applicant perform several times, preferable on several occasions. |
We love the game, love the excitement and love the spirit we display
when involved in heated games. We are also under the burden, that
while we want to enjoy the game at hand, we must also force ourselves to
place attention on the ADTMs who may also be in the game.
Things to ask yourself as you observe ADTMs:
- Is he communicating?
- Was he spamming, and wasting the chat screen?
- Did he continually ask for sponsorships?
- Did he play independent of the DTMs in the game, or was he following you around?
- How well does he communicate? (Big difference between hearing a "VRR", and hearing VRR followed by "Gens...OMW..Cover me".)
- How well does he move from task to task? Is he one goal minded?
- Is he camped on a Command Console when he could be better used elsewhere?
- How well does he relate with NON-DTM players? (We are not looking for him to impress US, we are looking for his actions in game to impress ALL players.)
- What are his reactions to HIS deaths? Does he complain?
- Does he compliment? Does he appear to seek revenge, and lose sight of the team goal?
- His reaction to causing deaths? Gloating? Smack talking?
- Has he made the game fun? Fair?
- Was he responsive to pleas for help?
- Did he ask for help?
- Did he take time to show a newbie how to accomplish something?
- If not at the moment, arrange to show them later?
Things to note in general conversation (IRC, ICQ, Email, etc)
- Is the applicant respectful to others?
- Does he/she participate in conversations? If so, is his demeanor pleasant? Argumentative? Hostile?
- Is he begging for sponsors?
Ok, you have watched an applicant through several games, you might
have joined a game incognito when no other DTM was around (This is a very
telling method). You believe you now have a good handle on his character.
Finding his application in the forum, take a moment to read what others might have said about him.
Does he seem consistent with your views?
As you begin to write in his application, either to show your support
and or sponsor him, or to place a no vote. Keep in mind that what
you say here is important not only to the applicant, but to other DTM members
who will eventual visit this application.
simply write "I sponsor this player". This statement
tells us nothing about him, tells us nothing of his character, his team
play or how he made a difference in the game.
sponsor your own tribesmates. Its a big no-no. This doesn't
really hurt the applicant either.
If your friend applies and you know he/she is DTM material, he/she should be able to get in without your help. Post a "character
witness" sort of post on their app, introduce them to other DTMs, but by no means are
you allowed to sponsor them.
take the time to describe what YOU saw in him/her that makes you believe he/she is DTM material.
Example: Played with XXXXX[ADTM] several times the past week,
both in the DTM uniform and incognito.
This player impressed me with
his habits, he communicated effectively at all times.
Responded to
commands, and/or responded that he couldn't because of his current situation
(I can't fix the gens, I am in the tunnel of the enemy base)
On ABC map, the ADTM announced on the global channel that the sides
were uneven and asked the enemy team to send 1,2....guys over, or offered
to go to the other side when we outnumbered them.
I also spent some time talking with him in IRC, he seems like a very
likable person. |
The point is, everyone should take the little bit of time needed to
accurately portray for ALL to read, exactly what it was he/she did to impress
you. Why they would make a good addition to the DTM. |
Conversely, we have had at times applicants who DID NOT exemplify the
DTM spirit.
If you choose to place a NO vote in the application, you must
also tell the applicant why the vote was placed.
i.e.... I simply can't condone the behavior you displayed in
the game, you were being sniped and continually yelled LAG KILL, or belittled
people in the game.
You offered no help to the team, continually running past destroyed equipment, yelling VRR. |
Your attitude in the IRC was horrible, we were attempting to have a
conversation and you continually asked every DTM to come sponsor you, even
after we told you to stop asking for sponsors.
If you voted NO in an application, you should also state what it would
take for the applicant to get the NO vote lifted. This should be
reasonable, and directly deal with the behavior which caused the NO vote..
i.e.... You cursed out (example) z2Rocket because he shot and
killed you as you were about to cap the flag and he returned it for his
team. You owe him an apology, locate his email...apologize and copy
me. Once I receive it, and if it shows you were truly sorry than
I will lift my vote.
You must know that DTM does not condone this
behavior, it will not be tolerated however you are being given the chance
to make amends. |
Before you place your SPONSOR on an applicants page, ask yourself the
following question:
- Do I trust enough in this applicant to allow him/her to wear
MY name in every game?
- Would I put MY reputation in their hands?"
If the answer is yes, than you have done your job and should sponsor
If the answer is then don't sponsor them!!!!! |