Tuesday, June 19, 2001, EDT, 5:18PM by EW Jr.
Developer beta patch delayed by one day.
Dynamix has delayed public distribution of the beta patch until tomorrow (June 20th) for further testing. Despite our desire to deliver fixes for those of you who cannot play the game properly, we are holding this code to the highest level of scrutiny. Although the Q/A process has not uncovered any problems with the patch, we are continuing to test overnight.
The patch contains fixes for most of the commonly reported problems, including ELF freezes, random crashes and UE's, flag-skipping, Immersion force-feedback support, and global chat before matches, among others. Look for announcements on the in-game news section and on www.tribes2centraldownload.com
From Dynamix......
Dynamix will make a BETA patch available for download on the
Central Download Site sometime ... June 19th. This patch addresses most of the remaining issues in the game and specifically fixes the ELF crash bug.
This is *not* an official patch, and no support from Sierra will be provided for it. It is recommended for expert users only. This patch is still being tested in-house. We will make it available for download to interested players so we can ensure the best possible quality and compatibility when this patch becomes official.
If you try this patch, and you are not happy with it, a "reverse patch" will also be available on the Central Download Site that will restore your game back to the current version.
We will be setting up a "BETA Patch Feedback" forum for comments about this patch so that we can listen and respond to any issues you may find.
Thanks, all. We want your game to run as smoothly and cleanly as possible.
Again...this BETA patch will be available ...June 19.
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Tuesday, June 12, 2001, EDT, 11:10PM by Ambush Bug
Yep, you heard right! A full set of DTM skins are now available for download. There are high-res (512x512) and low-res (256x256) sets available in separate downloads. These skins include Human Male, Human Female, and BioDerm, and are complete with alpha-channel textures as well. XMEN|Timmain is the man responsible for these, so if you see him online, let him know how you like 'em! :)
Links to the skins can be had at the following thread. |
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The Crusty Old Fossil Rockers have graciously accepted an offer to have a DTM/CoFR get-together. It's currently scheduled for Sunday the 24th of this month, in the early evening. If you'd like more info, please visit this thread.
UPDATE: The time of day has been finalized. The cluster will now start at 1 PM CST. Currently, the server is to be the CoFR Public Server. There will be a mixture of CTF, Siege, and CnH maps.
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Friday, June 1, 2001, EDT, 10:44AM by EW Jr.
For those of you that use mIRC to chat, and play on-line multiplayer games, check out SuperIP. It is similar to TribeIP (but way better IMHO). It also allows you to search for tags instead of buddies by name, so you can set it to query the servers and return all the servers with..say DTM or enD or LoS or XMEN playing on them.
From the SuperIP Site:
"..SuperIP... will capture dropped game links in IRC channels that you're in and catalog them for future retrieval. You can query any server that is caught for up-to-the-second information about players, score, maps, etc. You can save favorite servers for easy retrieval, join servers painlessly from within mIRC, even run a !lastlink bot to tell your friends where you last went to play. SuperIP currently supports Tribes, Tribes 2, Half-Life, and Quake 3. Go to the SuperIP page now to check it out! You won't be disappointed. http://www.tribalwar.com/cowboy/
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