Saturday, March 25, 2000, EST, 1:00AM by Blackjack
This week we inducted the 4th (or 8th or something) female into our ranks, Congratulations to Mustang!
Updates have been made to the Code of Honour, please be sure to read.
Red Sirus has restarted DTM Training. Check the forums for activities.
A few of the DTM attendees to MUTE will be:
•THEEF •KillerGirl •Princess •Krowten •Shadowgirl •Cyclone •Logroller •AprilFool •Death on a Stick •Cybernode|ADTM
EW Jr. |
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Sunday, March 12, 2000, EST, 1:00AM by Blackjack
Heya Peeps! EW Jr. reporting for duty. Any news worth knowing you will find here, but only if you guys tell me what is news.
First thing: Ohio LAN party - Some of the guys from 5150 are organizing a really big LAN Party in Columbus, Ohio, April 28-30. This is going to be a monster, as they have room for 96 people! Cost is $35 and it covers Soda available all day on Friday and Saturday and pizza provided both nites. This fee also pays for the conference room where the event will be held. For more information please check out the M.U.T.E site @ Tribal War - Mute
Second Thing: I am new to this job, so if you have suggestion or anything...let me know and I will ignore them like the old EW did... muahahahahahahhaaaaaaaa!
Final Thing (for now): There are some new people taking on some responsibility around here, so be sure you check out the contact section and pay attention to the forum you know who to complain to if you have a problem.
EW Jr. |
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