Thursday, December 9, 1999, EST, 1:00AM by Blackjack
I'm not feeling very creative today, so I'll get to the point and be done with it. New link to the THZ site in our links page, new pics in the gallery, compliments of CP, Tech and Achilles. There was one sent in that I didn't put up because it had been resized. If you want to send in shots, make sure they are the original screen capture, only converted into .JPG. No other changes (unless you feel artistically inclined). I can't stress enough the fact that I want them in JPG format. I had about 5-6 megs of bitmaps on my mail server, that I couldn't download because of my ISP's email limit. I had to access the server through a third party program and download each email separately. Then I had to go through the process of converting each image personally (yeah, its not much work, but after 5 times, it gets boring). So, send all your JPGs to Me.
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