Tuesday, November 30, 1999, EST, 1:00AM by Blackjack
Whoa. Long time since I did this. Finally, an FTP program I can use (and enjoy using). Now that I'm back in full force, so to speak, I can get back on task. I edited the Contact and CoC pages to reflect Spectres resignation (mostly just changing of email addresses). There is another page in the Tactics section in the works, courtesy of Cold Pizza, but we're running into some trouble because the beastid sent us too much! Basically, he sent a whopper of a tactics manual in our general direction and we've got to sort it all out before it can go up. Lots of it is on DoD (Desert of Death), but he threw some curveballs in there and added some basic tips&tactics that we don't know quite where to put. It'll be up eventually. That looks like it for today folks. Be good and send me some more images from the gallery. Its getting that old stink to it, like when you walk into your grandparents house and the sense of stale-everything overwhelms you. You know what I mean.
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Thursday, November 4, 1999, EST, 1:00AM by Blackjack
Had some free time today, so instead of causing general mayhem I decided to work on the site. Many a new pic in the gallery for you voyeurs to gawk at, check 'em out. Also added a horde of new demos to the downloads section. Don't be fooled though, since they were all under the same general category I zipped them together and made one link for the lot of them. So if you're a Chunky Monkey and into wearing that big ol' fatty armor, go over and download the compilation of heavy ski routes. In other news, I got my garage door fixed after I mistook it for a parking space and drove through it. Sometimes its best not to ask, people. Anyway, enjoy the new additions, I'll be up to my usual Evil Webmastering duties on the forums, so if you have a problem, lemme know.
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